The Advanced Nuclear Systems Engineering Laboratory (ANSEL) contains two test facilities, the High Temperature Test Facility (HTTF), a one-quarter scale test facility model of the Modular High Temperature Gas Reactor, and the Hydro-mechanical Fuel Test Facility(HMFTF), used to produce a database of hydro-mechanical information to supplement the qualification of the prototypic ultrahigh density U-Mo Low Enriched Uranium fuel which will be implemented into the U.S. High Performance Research Reactors upon their conversion to low enriched fuel.
The HTTF is a one-quarter scale test facility model of the Modular High Temperature Gas Reactor. The facility is capable of operation at 850oC (well mixed helium) with a maximum operating pressure of 0.8 Mpa. The nominal working fluid is helium with a heater power of approximately 600 kW although other gases can be used. The facility is configured to simulate a variety of postulated depressurized conduction cool down, pressurized conduction cool down and normal operations events. Specifically, the HTTF consists of:
• Vessel with 600kW electrically heated prismatic block core simulator
• Ceramic reflector and core regions
• Gas circulator
• Forced flow cavity cooling system
• Break valves
• Confinement simulation tank
• Instrumentation package
• Complete data acquisition system
The HMFTF is a testing facility which will be used to produce a database of hydro-mechanical information to supplement the qualification of the prototypic ultrahigh density U-Mo Low Enriched Uranium fuel which will be implemented into the U.S. High Performance Research Reactors upon their conversion to low enriched fuel.
The current design of the HMFTF permits for hydraulic testing of a single full HPRR element, and can simulate design basis accident conditions of all the U.S. HPRRs including operation between Lower Safety System Settings to Limiting Conditions of Operation.
Because the HMFTF’s purpose is providing hydro-mechanical information its design has been limited to sub-cooled isothermal testing capabilities. Many unique challenges arise when designing a thermal-hydraulic test loop which has such a wide range of operating conditions, including mechanical configuration and sensing arrangement.